Jon doesn’t really like this story, but I’m going to tell it to you anyway, folks!

I met Jon in my senior year of high school after my family and I moved to Big Sandy — we went to the same church. One day we went to a youth barbecue (actually not too far from the farm we live on now!) and were playing a game of softball. I was pitching, and when Jon came up to bat, I said, “Tester, I’m going to strike you out!”

And then I did. 

From there, it was history. We got married a few years later, had kids, moved to Jon’s family farm, and have been working the land here ever since.

When Jon first told me he wanted to run for office, I thought he was a little crazy. We’re farmers, not politicians. But when he told me he wanted to run to stick up for the little guy — for dirt farmers like us — I knew he needed to do it.

And I’ve been amazed at all he’s been able to accomplish while never letting go of his Montana roots. We still work the farm hand-in-hand together every year — working the stubble in the spring, harvesting in the summer. We butcher our own beef and Jon takes it with him to Washington. He’s still the same guy I married all those years ago.

When we sat down to talk about whether he would run again, we as a family knew he had to do it. No one knows how to best represent Montana values in the U.S. Senate like Jon. And no one knows how to win tough fights like him, either.

I know this campaign won’t be easy. It’s expected to be a close, expensive race. I know experts are saying Jon’s one of the most vulnerable Democrats up for reelection next year. But I also know that when Jon steps up to the plate, he doesn’t miss. (Unless I’m pitching, of course.)

What I’ve learned from working the farm all these years is that many hands make light work, so Jon and I will be counting on this team and each other for support over the course of this campaign. That’s why I’m asking:

Can Jon and I count on you to start his campaign off on the right foot with a donation of $10 today? Anything you can give makes a difference.

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Thanks for always supporting my husband — it means the world to us. 

— Sharla