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Dear Friend,,

Florida’s annual 60-day legislative session begins on March 7. This is a time for vigilance as lawmakers consider legislation with far-reaching implications for our state’s water and natural resources.

Too often, bad bills outnumber the good, and special interests tip the scales away from environmentally sustainable initiatives, catering instead to the status quo.

The status quo is what brought Florida toxic algae blooms in years past. The status quo has supported environmental injustices like sugarcane burning. It’s paved the way for unsustainable growth in the face of climate change and silenced the public that dared question it.

Friends of the Everglades is already tracking several bad bills that threaten Florida’s fragile ecosystems, and a couple of good ones that are worth fighting for. 

Join us for a preview of what’s to come in Tallahassee, as well as the solutions-oriented priorities that guide the work we do to hold lawmakers accountable. We’ll be joined by Florida Reps. Lindsay Cross and Anna Eskamani and VoteWater Executive Director Gil Smart for a conversation moderated by Friends of the Everglades Executive Director, Eve Samples. 

This live, virtual event will be streamed directly to our Facebook page and our YouTube channel from 12-1 p.m. on Tuesday, February 28. Register now to join us.

— Your friends at Friends of the Everglades


P.S. To remain on the list receiving important action alerts and updates from VoteWater's affiliated organization, Friends of the Everglades, sign up now.

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[email protected] | 305-669-0858

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VoteWater's mission is to fight political corruption in Florida by galvanizing public resolve to end the systemic pollution and mismanagement of our waterways.

Friends of the Everglades was founded by Marjory Stoneman Douglas in 1969 to preserve, protect and restore the only Everglades in the world.

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