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Dear Jack,

Lawmakers are moving at full speed through the session. It is imperative that Mississippians stay up to date with what is going on during the legislative session and stay knowledgeable on topics that directly affect citizens. 

Here is your weekly update on bills we favor that have received some action this past week!

SB 2019 from Sen. Chad McMahan and HB 1661 from Rep. Jody Steverson would remove the sales tax from gold, silver and other coins and currencies. These bills would shrink the size of bureaucracy and encourages Mississippians to invest in sound money.

These bills have passed their respective chambers and have been transmitted to the other.

HB 549 from Rep. Karl Oliver exempts certain sales of property transported from this state and first used in another state. 

This bill passed the House floor and has been transmitted to the Senate. 

SB 2735 from Sen. Angela Hill clarifies the scope of a mayoral veto. The bill requires that a mayor cannot enter into any contract or spend more than $100 without approval from city council or aldermen.

This bill has passed the Senate floor and has been referred to the House Judiciary B committee. 

HB 1310 from Rep. Brent Powell revise provisions related to the integrity of elections. This bill would help ensure election integrity by giving the Secretary of State more jurisdiction to audit elections. 

This bill passed the House and has been referred to the Senate Elections and Accountability, Efficiency and Transparency committees. 

As of now, no income tax elimination bills have been considered in committee. 

After last year's historic income tax cut, discussion surrounding further tax cuts was being generated throughout the legislature. Several bills involving full income tax elimination, grocery tax elimination and rebate checks were introduced, but none have been brought up in committee hearings. Lawmakers have until the end of the day today for tax bills to come out of their committees. 

Have a good week!

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All the best,

Tyler B. Jones
Director of Communications and Legislative Affairs 
PS you can stay up to date with every bill introduced during the session through the 2023 Legislative Tracker found on our website. 
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