Yesterday we approved a balanced 2023/24 City Council budget and Medium-Term Financial Plan at Executive Board. The proposals closed an overall budget gap for the next financial year of ?32.2m.
Like all councils, businesses and households, the City Council?s finances have been impacted by the cost-of-living crisis created by soaring inflation on pay, fuel and energy costs. Other pressures, including vastly diminished Government grants over the last 13 years, have also made this another challenging year to set next year?s budget and a four-year financial plan.
The budget includes a range of proposals affecting services, including changes to adult social care, reviewing fees and charges for parking, cremation and burials, leisure centres and cafes, and reviewing grants to community groups, community centres and cultural organisations.
With ongoing issues of social care funding, local tax payers face an additional cost on their council tax bills and we have no real choice but to set the 4.99% Council Tax allowed by Government, which includes a supplement to help towards the increasing costs and demand for adult social care.
Sadly this will place a further burden on local people who we know are already struggling, and won?t raise enough to properly meet local needs. But we get just under ?100m a year less in general grant than we did a decade ago from the national government, which seriously affects our ability to provide the services local people need. That?s equivalent to ?694 for each household in our city ? we are being asked to fill that gap from Nottingham pockets and from savings from service areas.
We will continue to fight for a fairer deal for our city.
Our Medium Term Financial Plan identifies over ?10m of transformation investment to radically change the way the council operates, helping to achieve almost ?60m of savings, as well as temporary borrowing of ?20m of internal earmarked revenue reserves to strengthen the council?s financial resilience, to be repaid by 2026/27.
The budget will go to the meeting of the Full Council for final approval on Monday 6 March.
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