No media inquiry anywhere. None. Perinatal deaths are defined as fetal deaths (deaths after 20 weeks) and infant deaths (deaths after giving birth).
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Breaking news stories the media complex won't cover. Share widely.

For more information on any post below, click through to read the full article on our website.

Post Vaccine: Over 20X Increase in Perinatal Death Rate
No media inquiry anywhere. None.

Perinatal deaths are defined as fetal deaths (deaths after 20 weeks) and infant deaths (deaths after giving birth) have increased over twenty times.

No matter how high the perinatal death rates increase due ...

White Elementary School Kids Violently Forced By Black Students To Pledge Allegiance To BLM – One White Student Was Punched In The Head (VIDEO)
“Police were called to Kenwood Elementary School in Springfield over an incident that happened during recess where “a group of Black students had gathered several white students on a specific spot of the playground and forced them to state ...

DEMOCRAT RULE: 55 Chicago Schools Report NO Proficiency in Math or Reading: ‘Very Serious’
This is exactly what the Democrats want – an army of morons, preferably violent, to wage their war on civilization. How to better to swell the ranks of their thug army?

Save your children. Government schools should be avoided like the plague. ...

ANOTHER SOROS BLOODBATH: Soros DA Cut Loose Gunman Who Shot Jews Outside LA Synagogues
The gunman who shot two Orthodox Jewish men in separate incidents in Los Angeles this week and had a history of making anti-semitic threats telling former classmates he wanted to kill them had beencut loose by George Gascon, the Soros pro-crime DA. ...

WWIII: China’s President Xi Preparing to Visit Moscow
The Wall Street Journal just reported that Chinese leader Xi Jinping is preparing to visit Moscow for a summit with Russia’s president in the coming months, according to people familiar with the plan, as Vladimir Putin wages war in Ukraine and ...

24 States Sue Biden Corrupt EPA
Another unconstitutional government power grab and overreach.

24 States Sue Biden EPA Over Water Rule That Would Limit Land Use for Farmers, Landowners

By: Steven Ahle, The Billings Report, February 19, 2023;

The Biden ...

Kavanaugh Accuser Confesses She Lied, Faces Criminal Charges
This is how the left operates. They lie and obliterate perceived opposition, destroy their lives, blow up their families, murder their good name all in the cause of their poisonous agenda. The Kavanaugh accusations was splashed across the legacy ...

Trump Turns 2024 Election On Its Head – For Donald’s Run, He Plans to ‘Master’ Democrat Ballot Harvesting
President Trump does not have a choice. The Democrat Party used COVID-19 to change our elections with ballot harvesting. As such, President Trump must engage in ballot harvesting in 2024 if he has any chance of winning.  The Democrat Party must ...

Donald Trump To Visit East Palestine, Ohio Amid Cleanup Efforts
The peoples president. #Trump2024!

Breaking News: Trump will visit East Palestine, Ohio next week.

If our “leaders” are too afraid to actually lead real leaders will step up and fill the void.

— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) ...

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