From the Desk of Catholic
Action President, Thomas McKenna

Dear Friend,
You probably saw the press release we sent out this morning announcing
Catholic Action’s new nationwide campaign to educate American clergy
on the worthiness to receive Holy Communion. Now that the news is out,
I’d like to share a few photos and a story that took place just a few
days before the books were mailed.
On Wednesday, February 8th, my team
and I decided to meet at the printing/mailing house as
the Deny Holy
Communion? books and
support materials, were being prepared to ship. The books were sent
to 382 Roman Catholic bishops (including Archbishops and Cardinals), 750
bishops and clergy of the Eastern Rites, 27,416 Catholic
priests and 12,748 Catholic deacons.
Father Glenn Baaten, assisted by
Deacon Frank Reilly, led us in the recitation of the Holy Rosary
followed by a special blessing over the mailing and those working on
Our prayers were offered for our
clergy, that the book would be received well and that it would inspire
them in their faith.

Following this special blessing at
the mail house, Father Glenn Celebrated a Mass for the intention of
the campaign.
As members of the clergy are
starting to read the book, I invite you to get involved in this
nationwide campaign to spread the Catholic Church’s teaching on worthy
reception of the Holy Eucharist.
First of all, we need your prayer
support for the success of this campaign. Click
here to offer your prayer intentions and to be remembered in
Cardinal Burke’s Operation Storm Heaven Holy Mass.
If you’re interested in obtaining a copy of Why Deny
Communion?, take a moment to visit our special book and donations
Sponsor a copy (or
copies) for a
seminarian. The most
important and sacred function of their life as a future priest will be
the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Please help us send this book to
seminarians in the US, Puerto Rico and Rome.
Yours in the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of

Thomas McKenna
Founder and President
Catholic Action for Faith and Family