Yesterday the nation observed Presidents Day, but this sure doesn’t mean we were celebrating the likes of Joe Biden who wants to strip our rights out from under us!  The day is meant to recall the inc

Yesterday the nation observed Presidents Day, but this sure doesn’t mean we were celebrating the likes of Joe Biden who wants to strip our rights out from under us!  The day is meant to recall the incredible legacy of George Washington and Abraham Lincoln – both of whom would likely turn over in their graves to see what today’s politicians have done to the Constitution. GOC appreciates the wisdom and governance of these great American leaders.

Speaking of politicians, they are literally falling all over themselves in Sacramento, each one trying to out-anti-gun the other!  Last Friday was the last day to introduce bills and boy – were they busy.  Make sure to check out the legislation we are tracking HERE – it’s nuts how far these imbeciles are going with their crazy ideas.  GOC will keep you up to speed every step of the way.


MEANWHILE, tickets are selling fast for our upcoming fundraising events!
Buy a ticket (or even better – a TABLE!) at one of our upcoming events: TICKETS ARE NOW ON SALE NOW and you can get them HERE.  We have great games, great food and of course – a lot of great guns, too!  


California's Gun Control Not Even Good For California | Bearing Arms
“I mean, it’s almost like gun control laws don’t actually accomplish anything, you know?”

LA County Supervisors Pass Gun Control Measures | Bearing Arms
As if criminals will follow these new laws…

Military ‘Expert’ Witness Lies About AR-15s in Sworn Testimony | Truth About Guns
He defends CA’s ‘Assault Weapons’ ban in Rupp v Bonta.

New California Gun Control Bill Aims At 3D Printers | Bearing Arms
The anti-gun left are now targeting printers.

NICS for January, 2023 Gun Sales and Background Checks | AmmoLand 
This must make Joe Biden break out in a nervous sweat.

More High-Profile Shootings In Gun-Controlled California | Bearing Arms
Gun.  Control. Doesn’t. Work.

Support for an ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban Continues to Crater | The Reload
Positive news for the day! 

Leading Democrat Posts Obscene Message On ‘Thoughts And Prayers’ | The Daily Wire
Instead he calls for gun control – exploiting another tragedy.  

Former MSNBC Host Calls for Civil War Against Pro-Gun States | Townhall
Anti-gun leftists can make extreme comments and not be cancelled.

More People Are Using Guns to Defend Themselves | RedState
Great to see more Americans defending themselves because of the 2A!

Turmoil In Courts On Gun Laws In Wake Of Justices' Ruling | Breitbart
It will be interesting to see how the lower courts respond.

Anti-Gun Group Launches Legal Training On Suing Gun Co’s | Ammoland
No question - they want to bankrupt the industry.

Firearm Industry Is Finding Solutions While Others Finger Point | Newsweek
And they have some darn good ideas.

Editorial: Killing America’s Gun Industry | PoliceMag
A sad example of how the Left wants to bankrupt gun manufacturers.




Gun Owners of California
Gun Owners of California, Inc.
1190 Suncast Ln, Suite 2
El Dorado Hills, California 95762
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