I like to think of myself as level-headed. Even-tempered. You know, calm, cool, collected.
But I’ll be honest with you. I’m pretty angry right now.
Wendy’s made a promise to put an end to the brutal treatment of hens in its supply chain. Wawa promised. Chopt promised. Einstein Bros. HyVee. On the Border. Omni Hotels. InterContinental Hotels. The list goes on.
Instead of keeping their word—or at least being transparent—they’re keeping customers in the dark. I always thought a promise was a promise. But these companies are proving that promises don’t mean much to them.
But here’s what really gets me. For companies that truly aren’t keeping their promises, every minute they delay is another minute of suffering—sunless cages, twisted ankles, feathers rubbed raw—for millions of hens.
Like I said, I’m pretty angry right now.
Because what folks like you and I are demanding isn’t extreme.
It’s common sense.
For two straight weeks, our community has shown up. 👏🏼 Together, people like you have sent over 130,000 messages to these companies, demanding honesty, transparency, and accountability—alongside celebrities like Mýa, who are using their platforms to call for the truth.
These efforts are tipping the scales. Bakery giant Bridor actually took down its contact form because it couldn’t handle the outpouring from this community. Now, in place of a contact form, there’s just an error message: “Oops! This Page does not exist.” These companies are doing everything they can to avoid getting called out.
Too bad they’re up against all of us.
Together, we’re coming closer and closer to completely transforming the food industry from the inside out.
Every meaningful shift toward a future without cages means countless hens will be spared a lifetime in extreme confinement. Every shred of progress sets a precedent for less suffering, less abuse, less torture. And it lays the groundwork for even greater wins for animals. One day we’ll look back and realize that this wasn’t just the end of cages—it was the beginning of a new era for animal protection.
Will you take action today to demand these hold-outs break their silence?
It’s time for them to own up.

Kelly Myers
Director of Corporate Engagement |