Dear Neighbor,
Did you experience a high Southern California Gas bill for December? So did a lot of our neighbors. Many saw their bills double or even triple in cost.
This is why I joined my Congressional colleagues on a letter to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to investigate the spike in natural gas prices.
I also reached out to Southern California Gas to ask for an explanation. Here is what I learned:
Southern California Gas has said they expect customer utility bills will drop by 60% next month. That's a start, but not enough.
Those who need assistance to pay their gas bill, may find assistance with the resources below. Please review them and see if they can help you or a friend.
Southern California Gas Customer Assistance Programs:
California Alternate Rates for Energy (CARE)
Eligible customers can save 20% on their natural gas bill.
Gas Assistance Fund (GAF)
Eligible customers could receive a one-time grant of up to $100 for their natural gas bill.
Medical Baseline Allowance Program
Eligible customers with qualifying medical conditions can get additional natural gas at the lowest baseline rate.
Level Pay Plan Program
Averages customers annual natural gas use and costs over a 12-month period. Customers pay an average bill amount each month instead of actual charges.
Energy Savings Assistance Program
Eligible customers can save energy and money through professional home improvements at no cost.
Consumer Relief for High Natural Gas Bills-LA County
You can also apply for federal assistance through the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program.
Additionally, the California Public Utilities Commission has accelerated their timeframe for their Climate Credit on their energy bills. Customers can expect an automatic $90-$120 discount as soon as possible for customers using SoCalGas, Pacific Gas and Electric, Southern California Edison, and San Diego Gas & Electric.