the Desk of Catholic Action President, Thomas McKenna

Dear Friend,
For 16 years, Catholic Action for
Faith and Family has diligently battled on the front lines to spread
the Hope and Light of Christ amid the darkness and confusion of our
times. We strongly believe with moral lines being blurred because of
the Catholic voice being conspicuously absent from the public square,
this is a critical time in history in the United States, and
your generous support is crucial to building maximum awareness
for this new initiative dedicated to restoring the Catholic Voice and
to preserving fidelity to the Holy Eucharist.
You might recall reading in
our annual appeal about a forthcoming major outreach and
educational initiative scheduled to commence in first quarter of 2023.
It should be noted that in order to maximize the impact of this
campaign, we held what we expect to be our most
impactful action-oriented initiative since our founding in strict
This massive roll-out is poised to
be national in scope and garner major and multi-national news, and the
impact will be eternal.
Now, I am pleased to announce that
Catholic Action for Faith & Family is
– TODAY – launching a nationwide, laity-led
campaign that will deliver
a copy of Raymond Cardinal Burke’s New book entitled Deny Holy Communion? to every Catholic bishop, priest, and deacon
in the United States! 41,000 copies to our clergy!
This campaign is the fruit of more
than a year of preparation and careful planning on the part of our
staff, and it has been supported by a number of generous benefactors
whose deep love for the Church has inspired them to “strengthen the brethren” (Luke 22:32) by reaching out to our clergy
with Cardinal Burke’s wisdom.
Again, I did not disclose this
campaign so as not to provoke public discussion before the book was
sent out to the clergy. But now it is out, and we intend to reach
significant numbers of Catholics at every level of media in order to
spread it far and wide together with you.
As you can imagine, the costs were
considerable to produce and distribute these books to 41,000 Catholic
clergy members (bishops, priests, and deacons) in the United States in
stealth mode; so, please consider making a generous donation to not only help replenish our resources
for the path forward, but to ignite a national and sustainable
conversation across all levels of the Church and across our American
But what, precisely, is this book

Deny Holy
Communion? is a concise,
powerful look at the Catholic Church’s teaching on worthy reception of
the Holy Eucharist. The relevant statute from Church law about this
issue is canon 915, which is why you will be hearing a lot about it as the unique
campaign unfolds.
Cardinal Burke is exceptionally
qualified as a leading canonist in today’s Church. He was called by
Pope Benedict XVI to serve as the Prefect of the Supreme Tribunal of
the Apostolic Signatura in the Vatican for six years. He was
essentially the Chief Justice of the Catholic Church’s Supreme
In this 65-page book, Cardinal
Burke – literally – lays
down the law! But he does it in his own amazingly balanced and
charitable style.
He provides a definitive guide for
pastoral ministers on cases in which Holy Communion must be denied. He
articulates the Church’s well-grounded reasoning – canonical,
theological, and pastoral – for the denial of Holy Communion to
obstinate, public sinners. He shows how and why this has been the
consistent teaching, one derived from care and charity, of the
Catholic Church since the founding by Our Lord Jesus
There are always people – Catholics
and non-Catholics alike – who think this is not such a big
deal. But they couldn’t be more
mistaken. Just consider
this summary from the Catholic League’s Bill Donohue. In the
newly-elected Congress:
65 Democrats in the House of
Representatives claim Catholic affiliation, and 54 of these have
a perfect pro-abortion voting
record; all
ten of the newly-elected
Catholic Democrats are pro-abortion;
Of the 15 Catholic senators, twelve of
them (80%) have perfect pro-abortion records. (Read Donohue’s
full article.)
This is a scandal!
In other
words, the timing of this book couldn’t be
better and the subject
matter couldn’t be more vital. I also believe the launch of this book
is especially relevant in this period of Eucharistic Revival (the
3-year period leading up to the National Eucharistic Congress in June
2024 initiated by the USCCB).
So prayer warriors, this is the
first day – and
phase – of our campaign,
but there is much more to come, and we will need your ongoing
support! Be sure to bookmark the Deny Holy Communion? landing page and check in regularly for news, resources,
and ways to get involved.
For this monumental and unique
undertaking we need your prayerful support for the success of this
campaign, such has never been done before, so click here to offer your
prayer intentions:
And stay tuned for ongoing updates
about the Why Deny
Communion? book movement
campaign as well as information about our upcoming “Faithful Echo of
the Eucharist” diocesan conferences – and much more!
The momentum from this book launch
presents a unique opportunity to put forth a true teaching of the
Catholic Church to every clergy member, the average Catholic in the
pew, and the world without ambiguity. You can also obtain a copy
of Why Deny
Communion? by visiting our
special book and donations page:
You can also sponsor a book for
Yours in the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of

Thomas McKenna
Founder and President
Catholic Action For Faith And Family