From Connecticut Republican Party <>
Subject Save the Date: PBD 2023
Date February 20, 2023 11:16 PM
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Happy President's Day! Don't Forget to Save the Date in May!

Happy President's Day Connecticut Republicans!

Don't forget to save the date for this year's 4th Annual Prescott Bush Awards Dinner on Wednesday, May 31st at the Hilton in Stamford. Our outstanding 2023 award winners will be announced. We are also proud to announce that Ambassador Nikki Haley will be the keynote speaker for this year’s dinner!

2023 Award Honorees To be Announced!

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Ticket Packages:

$300 - General Admission Ticket
* Includes cocktail hour and dinner for one.

$500 - Two Ticket Special: Two General Admission Tickets
* Includes cocktail hour and dinner for two. ($600 value)

$1,000 - Four Ticket Special: Four General Admission Tickets
* Includes cocktail hour and dinner for four. ($1,200 Value)

Parking - Free in the Hilton event parking lot.
Sponsorships & VIP Packages:

* Includes VIP event admission, general admission, & photo opportunity at private reception with Ambassador Haley for one.

* Includes: Two private VIP reception tickets, photos with Ambassador Haley and two general admission tickets. $3,000 value.

* Includes: Preferred seating for 10 guests - for dinner and cocktail reception.

* Includes 4 VIP reception tickets, preferred table for 10, Party Gold Member Benefits.

* Includes access for 2 to exclusive pre-event roundtable with keynote speaker, 4 VIP reception tickets, preferred table for 10, event sponsorship, Party Platinum Member Benefits.

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Ambassador Haley:
First elected to the South Carolina House of Representatives in 2004, Nikki Haley would serve three terms until winning election for governor of South Carolina in 2010. A natural trailblazer, Haley became the first female governor of South Carolina, the youngest governor in the country, and the second governor of Indian descent. She also became the first Indian American to serve in a presidential cabinet. She served under President Donald J. Trump as United States Ambassador to the United Nations from 2017 to 2018. As Ambassador, Haley worked tirelessly to defend American interests abroad, supporting Israel and standing strong against North Korea. Today, Haley continues to fight for America's freedom at home and strength abroad through her organizations, Stand for America and Stand for America PAC.

The Prescott Bush Awards Dinner:

The Connecticut Republican Party has held our annual Prescott Bush Awards Dinner for almost half a century to honor party members and volunteers who have given so much to aid the Republican cause in Connecticut. The Prescott Bush Dinner is our marquee annual event and fundraiser, and all Republicans are welcome!

You definitely don't want to miss this! Get your tickets here ([link removed]) !
The CTGOP Team
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