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Ofsted's chief inspector has criticised the government for a lack of action over protests against LGBT+ equality lessons in primary schools, warning that
tensions remain "unresolved".
Children attending unregistered Jewish faith schools will continue to be exposed to an "unacceptable" lack of safeguarding until the government changes the
definition of a school, say council bosses in the London borough of Hackney.
Arbroath Town Mission unfairly dismissed a former centre manager who blew the whistle on it to the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator, a tribunal judge
has ruled.
President Trump wants Roe v. Wade overturned, while many of the candidates vying for the Democratic nomination would seek to codify abortion rights
into law. A new poll shines a light on the American public's more complex views.
Three Sri Lankans who worked as security guards at a local five-star resort in Dubai have been fined and are set to be deported after they insulted Islam
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