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Key Issues from London Councils
Your weekly update of London local government issues
22 January 2020

London leads the way on HIV prevention

New data showing substantial progress on reducing HIV rates in the capital has been welcomed by London Councils.

National figures published by Public Health England highlight that HIV diagnoses have fallen faster in London than elsewhere. In 2014, London accounted for half of new diagnoses in gay and bisexual men. The latest data shows this was reduced to 39 per cent by 2018.

Cllr Ray Puddifoot, London Councils’ Executive Member for Health & Care, said: “We’re incredibly proud of the contribution made by the boroughs’ collaborative London HIV Prevention Programme and the Do It London campaign. By working efficiently and effectively together on this public health challenge, boroughs ensure clear and consistent messages are communicated to Londoners about the importance of testing and protection.”

Response to announcement on building safety

London Councils has responded to the government’s update on building safety delivered in the House of Commons last week.

Cllr Darren Rodwell, London Councils’ Executive Member for Housing & Planning, said“We welcome the government moving forward with new measures on building safety.

“London boroughs have long called for stronger safety regulation. We still need to see more details, especially on funding. The government has previously made funding available for remediation of buildings over 18 metres, so it would be inequitable and inconsistent if the government does not extend this support."

APPG for London

The APPG for London held its inaugural meeting to reconstitute on 14 January. Sir Bob Neill and Steve Reed were re-elected as Co-Chairs of the APPG, and four other MPs took on officer roles.

The APPG discussed its plans for future topics to focus on, including devolution to London, transport infrastructure and more.

London Councils will continue to provide the secretariat for the APPG throughout this Parliament.

London homes used in short term let

New research from London Councils suggests one in every 50 homes in the capital is let on a short-term basis, raising fresh concerns about the impact on London’s housing stock and communities.

Boroughs warn that the proliferation of short-term lets reduces housing supply for permanent residents. Short-term lets are also increasingly associated with spikes in crime and anti-social behaviour.

Cllr Darren Rodwell, London Councils’ Executive Member for Housing & Planning, said: “We’re calling on the government to introduce much stronger regulation of this sector. Changes to legislation are essential for giving local authorities the powers we need to keep check on short-term lets in our communities and defend our residents.”

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