"Handful of key Republicans will determine whether to call witnesses at President Trump's trial"
-- MSN, earlier today

Our opponent, Senator Cory Gardner, could be the deciding vote over whether or not firsthand witnesses and evidence are allowed in Trump's impeachment trial. Add your name today to demand Gardner do the right thing and stand up to Trump and McConnell.

Folks -- 

An impeachment trial without witnesses or evidence presented is not a trial at all, it’s a sham. Plain and simple.

Yet, Washington Republicans like Senator Cory Gardner are refusing to uphold the rule of law and do the right thing by taking the impeachment trial seriously and committing to hear from firsthand witnesses.

Even worse, President Trump himself recently raised $100,000 for Gardner as a thank you for having “his back on impeachment.”

We need to put the pressure on Gardner and his Republican colleagues to do the right thing here.

Sign our urgent petition today demanding Cory Gardner and his fellow Washington Republicans allow firsthand witnesses and evidence in today’s impeachment trial of Donald Trump.

Since this process began, Gardner has been putting his party over Coloradans by condemning the impeachment investigation in an attempt to keep Trump and McConnell happy.

Enough is enough -- and we need your help to hold them accountable, so we can make sure Gardner actually does his job.

Thanks for taking action today.

— John