From Lew Rockwell <[email protected]>
Subject Becoming a Non-Person
Date February 20, 2023 6:57 AM
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Monday, February 20th, 2023


** Becoming a Non-Person ([link removed])

Lew Rockwell

** The Absurd Budgetary Math of the GOP’s Sacred Cows ([link removed])

David Stockman

** The Hunter Biden / Ihor Kolomoïsky Affair ([link removed])

Thierry Meyssan

** Nicola Sturgeon’s Woke Authoritarianism ([link removed])

Tom Slater

** Electric Vehicles Are Anti-Market and Anti-Environment ([link removed])

Daniel Șterbuleac

** In America Democracy Is a Veil Behind Which the Oligarchy Rules ([link removed])

Paul Craig Roberts

** Oh Lightning, I Command Thee To Smite My Foe! ([link removed])

James Howard Kunstler

** German Press Discusses Pfizer Vaccine Trial Fraud. Will ‘Covid Reckoning’ Follow? ([link removed])

Igor Chudov

** Cuba and Vietnam: What’s the Difference? ([link removed])

Jacob G. Hornberger

** Could Fauci’s Replacement Be Even Worse? ([link removed])

Dr. Joseph Mercola

** The American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology (ABOG) Ignores Allegations of Vaccine Injury in Pregnancy ([link removed])

Steve Kirsch

** The World Wants To Be Deceived ([link removed])

Edward Curtin

** Political Theatre ([link removed])
* My secret plan to get the FAA to investigate pilot injuries and deaths ([link removed])
* American Architect of the Ukraine War Gives Go Ahead to Attack Crimea ([link removed])
* Former President Jimmy Carter to Enter Hospice Care ([link removed])
* Welt report uncovers evidence of serious irregularities in the Pfizer phase 3 Comirnaty trial ([link removed])
* Christian teacher loses job after refusing to deceive parents on kids’ gender transitions: ‘From the devil’ ([link removed])
* Here’s Your Proof of a Rigged and Stolen 2020 Presidential Election ([link removed])
* Michael Huang, MD in California has treated THOUSANDS of vaccine injured… ([link removed])
* Top 10 European Countries by GDP (1897-2022) ([link removed])
* Illinois Hobby Club Believes Pentagon Shot Down Their $12 Pico Balloon ([link removed])
* Sudden Infant Death Syndrome ([link removed])
* MORE ([link removed])

** LRC Blog ([link removed])
* If the Residents of East Palestine, Ohio Were Illegal Aliens . . . ([link removed])
* An Arbitrary “Living Wage” Is Not An Answer For Inflation ([link removed])
* Impeachment, Trial, and Conviction of War Criminal (and Electoral Usurper) Joseph R. Biden ([link removed])
* New Poll: US Support For Ukraine Continues To Evaporate ([link removed])
* A Farewell to Virology ([link removed])
* Pop Goes The China Balloon Smoke Screen ([link removed])
* Biggest Piece of Worthless News Ever ([link removed])
* Further Reflections of Attorney Robert Barnes on Covid-19 “Vaccines” As Bioweapons ([link removed])
* Snowden: UFO Balloons ‘Engineered Panic’ To Distract From Nord Stream Revelations ([link removed])
* Left-Wing, Great Reset Sabotage (and the media sleeps) ([link removed])
* MORE ([link removed])

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