A big thank you to Artemis Langford for keeping us informed on our state's current session.
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The below information was provided by Artemis Langford through the Wyoming Democratic Party, and will be shared with the Teton County Democratic Party as they are mailed out. To recieve these directly from the Wyoming Democratic Party, you can subscribe at www.wyodems.org ([link removed]) . Thank you Artemis for keeping us all informed during this tumultuous state session
Howdy ,
This week has been an important turning point for the Wyoming Legislature- many bills have died and many committees are in the process of finishing bills that originated from the other house before the deadline on Friday, February 24th. Our Democratic legislators continue to be hard at work trying to add important amendments to bills, in their respective committees, and ensuring that the road to adjournment of the session on March 3rd is successful for Wyomingites.
Good news about good bills, folks:
HB 4 ([link removed]) - Medicaid twelve month postpartum coverage, has finally been introduced and referred to the Senate Labor committee. It is expected to be heard on February 22nd at 8am- it will be important to get lots of folks to testify in-person for the bill and to write, call, email, and contact Senate Labor committee members and Senators to support HB 4’s passage!
HB 7 ([link removed]) - Underage marriage-amendments, which was ardently supported by our Democratic legislators, has finally passed both Houses and will be sent to Gov. Gordon’s desk! Despite all the challenges and fierce and disgusting opposition from the Wyoming Republican Party and the Wyoming Freedom Caucus, the bill will finally ensure that underage marriages are banned in the State of Wyoming.
HB 147 ([link removed]) - Unlawful trespass signage-taking of wildlife, sponsored by Dem Rep. Provenza passed the Senate! It has been signed by the Senate President and House Speaker and is expected to be on Gov. Gordon’s desk. Excellent work, Rep. Provenza and thank you to all who supported the bill!
HB 65 ([link removed]) - 988 suicide prevention, passed the Senate and concurrence with the House with Senate amendments. The bill had some unfortunate additions in the Senate, with a sunset clause that will make it expire in 2028 unless renewed. Additionally, 988 will have to fundraise for their funds instead of restoring appropriations for the service. Despite all odds, this bill survived thanks to the passionate work of citizen lobbyists and the support of Wyomingites. The bill will be making its way to Gov. Gordon’s desk!
The 2023 supplemental budget is nearing its final passage in order to be sent to the Governor’s desk. Here are some important highlights that Democratic legislators are responsible for ensuring it contained: $100 million in school building funds; $4 million for pre-K funding which doubled the Governor’s request (a very important achievement!); and $70 million for the ACA.
For every dollar spent in the budget, three dollars will be put in certain savings accounts. Despite this, and the fact that the budget could’ve and should’ve spent more on funding important and vital services for Wyomingites, the Wyoming Freedom Caucus in the legislature voted against it because it “spent too much”. Do not forget this come 2024!
Unfortunate news about bad bills:
HB 103 ([link removed]) - Political party affiliation declaration and changes, has become a zombie and is back after having been killed. Despite having failed in the Senate Corporations Committee, Senate Republican leadership resurrected it by recalling the bill and sending it to a friendlier committee, the Senate Revenue committee, where it passed 4-1. The bill has been placed on the Senate’s general file for its first reading. It will be important to contact Senators to oppose HB 103 and ensure that voting rights are protected!
HB 106 ([link removed]) - Eminent domain-wind energy collector systems, has passed both Houses and will be sent to Gov. Gordon’s desk. This bill would hamper efforts in the state to grow our emerging wind energy industry by taxing wind energy collection. Hypocritically, the Republican majority in the legislature has continued to give tax breaks and subsidies to fossil fuel industries.
SF 109 ([link removed]) - Prohibiting chemical abortions, which has been stuck in House introduction, has been referred to the House Revenue committee. A hearing is expected sometime next week and all Democrats are encouraged to let House Revenue Committee members know that you don’t support anti-choice legislation!
SF 144 ([link removed]) - Chloe’s law-children gender change prohibition, has been referred to the House Appropriations Committee. The bill is expected to be heard on Tuesday, February 21st. Please let House Appropriation Committee members know that anti-trans legislation is not welcome in the State of Wyoming!
The end of the session is near but that doesn’t mean everything is slowing down! Keep your eyes peeled for important updates about bills and calls to action. The hard work of Democrats all across the state to support good bills and kill bad bills is deeply appreciated! Thank you for all you do!
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