Today we were outside the Capitol on day one of the Senate impeachment trial of Donald Trump.
Will you join us on Day 2 in D.C. or wherever you are?
Fascist Republicans are rigging the trial to let Trump off the hook. They are suppressing witnesses and other evidence. Their rules require each side to make all their arguments in only 2 days. They are setting up unprecedented restrictions on the media during the trial. They want to ram through a complete sham of a trial, and they want to keep you in the dark about it!
What can change the equation? Masses of people flooding the streets of DC demanding Trump/Pence Out Now! As the eyes of the world are on D.C. what will they see? Find a way to get to the Capitol. Or make a donation to support volunteers like Sam from Cleveland:

>> retweet Sam's message
My name is Sam. I’m from Cleveland, Ohio.
I made a 16 hour trip out to DC to be here during the Senate trial.
I did so because eyes are on DC. We are at a pivotal time in history. And I had to make a choice.
Do I acknowledge the importance of taking action in this moment to stand up for what I believe in- the future of humanity/ and condemning this fascist regime for exactly what it is?
Or do I go about business as usual and ignore the immense threat we are facing. Pretend that everything is okay so I can wake up comfortable with a false sense of security - for now? Can I pretend to have faith in some democratic process to hault a reverse the terror that American chauvinism has promoted?
Can ignore the crimes against the marginalized communities across this country? Can I ignore the terrifying cruelty of children dying in cages? Being separated from their loved ones? Can I ignore the hateful, racist, sexist & violent agenda of trump and his regime?
Can I do nothing and allow our power to be stripped away? Can I be complacent?
I can’t.
This is the time to take a stand. Collectively, we the people will be heard.
Drive The Facsist Trump/Pence regime OUT NOW. It is up to us.
I have been apathetic in the past. Overwhelmed by the pain of this existence and choosing instead to put my head in the sand. In fiction. To put faith in distraction and to put blind hope in somebody else taking care of it.
But the history of oppression and revolution has shown us that we can only rely on ourselves.
We are asking you to come out with us. Join our movement in demanding the removal of the fascist Trump pence regime.
Let’s demand a better future for all. Stand with us.
Have your voice heard. You are deciding which side of history you are on.
Each day you have a part in deciding what the future will hold for yourself and your fellow humans, across this country and the world.
Don’t let this opportunity slip by you. Don’t be a bystander. Do what you know is right.
From anywhere you can:
> > DONATE now to support Sam and others to be here every day the Trump trial is on.

Organize protest wherever you are to demand Trump/Pence #OutNOW.
Contact [email protected] with your plans
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