Paraphrasing Bobby Kennedy, a very effective public servant, all Americans should defend "the right to say it." Kennedy was a big free-speech guy, and CNN host Don Lemon needs his spirit very badly. Lemon made the preposterous statement that women cannot be "in their prime" after leaving their 30s. Now, he's in big trouble. CNN has forced him to apologize, and the letter "S" has been branded on him: sexist.
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Bill O'Reilly
This Column Will Offend You

Paraphrasing Bobby Kennedy, a very effective public servant, all Americans should defend "the right to say it."

Kennedy was a big free-speech guy, and CNN host Don Lemon needs his spirit very badly. Lemon made the preposterous statement that women cannot be "in their prime" after leaving their 30s. Now, he's in big trouble. CNN has forced him to apologize, and the letter "S" has been branded on him: sexist.

Paraphrasing Bobby Kennedy, a very effective public servant, all Americans should defend "the right to say it."

Kennedy was a big free-speech guy, and CNN host Don Lemon needs his spirit very badly. Lemon made the preposterous statement that women cannot be "in their prime" after leaving their 30s. Now, he's in big trouble. CNN has forced him to apologize, and the letter "S" has been branded on him: sexist.

But Mr. Lemon is no stranger to fallacious opinions, nor is CNN. Among other things, they were town criers for the false "Russian Collusion" allegations, personally denigrated Sarah Palin when she ran for Vice President, and attempted to justify the violent riots after the murder of George Floyd.

The truth is that all of us occasionally offer dopey opinions. So, let's cancel everyone!

This week President Biden called the black Governor of Maryland "boy." Mr. Biden meant no harm; he simply doesn't know what he's saying much of the time.

However, if a Republican had done that, the person would have been branded a racist, and the cancel assassins would have moved quickly. But few in the media even mentioned Biden. Selected outrage. Blatant hypocrisy.

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