
Building a Florida for All starts with a strong team. Here at New Florida Majority, our team works together to advance our vision, and we aren't afraid of tough challenges. We treat each other with respect, we speak our minds, and we foster a culture of trust. We strive to live out our values every day to build the political power of marginalized constituencies in Florida, for an inclusive, equitable, and just democracy for all.

If this sounds like your kind of challenge, we would love to hear from you. We have 6 new jobs that we are immediately interviewing and hiring for!

Please apply, and share these positions with your network, and recruit some of your favorite people to these opportunities.

Join us:

Development Director
South Florida Lead Organizer (Miami)
Data Coordinator (Miami)
Climate Justice Organizer (North Florida)
HR and Payroll Specialist

In Unity,
Andrea Cristina Mercado
Executive Director
New Florida Majority


New Florida Majority
10800 Biscayne Blvd. Suite 1050
Miami, FL 33161 United States