" ... In recent years there has been a continuous assault to the ballot box in the form of stricter voter ID requirements, meritless claims of rigged elections, and baseless accusations of voter fraud. In the past these efforts were aimed at eliminating African American voters from the rolls, and today, new laws seek to eliminate voters of color, the poor, and the elderly." - Uncounted by Gilda Daniels.

One week from today, Advancement Project National Office Litigation Director and Interim Director of our Power & Democracy program Gilda Daniels, will unveil Uncounted, a book highlighting the phenomonenon of voter disenfranchisement. We invite you to join us Tuesday, January 28, 2020, from 9:30 to 11:30 am at Busboys and Poets (14th & K St. NW location) in Washington DC, for a special author conversation and book launch reception!

In conversation with Danielle Belton, Editor-in-Chief of The Root, Gilda Daniels, the former Deputy Chief of the U.S. Department of Justice’s Civil Rights Division will discuss the nation’s continuous attack on the voting rights of people of color, the poor and the elderly. Daniels will deliver a call to action and a plan on how communities can successfully combat voter suppression ahead of the 2020 elections.

Uncounted: The Crisis of Voter Suppression in the United States  
January 28, 2020
9:30-11:30 a.m.
Busboys & Poets
2021 14th St NW
Washington, DC 20009

Register to attend and order your copy of Uncounted today! The first 20 guests to arrive will receive a free copy of the book!

Learn the strategies Advancement Project National Office will use this year and how you can take action and partner with us to fight for the right to vote.

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