It seems like every day there’s a new foreign object soaring above America to
spy on our most valuable intelligence.
And while Americans are BEGGING for answers, Joe Biden is absolutely silent.
It’s almost like he doesn’t care about what’s happening right in our home
skies, John.
Citizens DESERVE answers, and America MUST defend itself against foreign
objects and spies.
Demand accountability and answers NOW from the Biden Administration!
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DEMAND ANSWERS NOW <[link removed]>
John, Republicans would NEVER let so many questions go unanswered.
They would have shot down the first Chinese spy balloon at the first chance
they got.
And they certainly never would’ve left Americans in the dark.
Other nations like communist China are sensing our weakness and they’re
seizing on the opportunity.
We need Republican strength more than EVER to pick up the slack from the Biden
administration and keep America SAFE!
Demand accountability from the Biden Administration NOW and support
Republicans who won’t let our enemies walk all over us!
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