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Scots law states that there must be three church representatives on council education committees. Secularists say it is undemocratic to give unelected church members a unique legally binding role in education policy.
Chinuch UK, the campaign group for strictly orthodox Jewish education, has written to the new minister to request a meeting, while the Union of Orthodox Hebrew Congregations has invited him to visit some of the community's schools.
George Eustice, who has returned as a minister to the department after resigning earlier this year because of delays over Brexit, is a critic of religious methods of slaughter without stunning.
The failure to bring Britons who fought for the Islamic State group to justice in the UK is a "dereliction of responsibility", a top US counter-terrorism official says.
Narendra Modi's Hindu nationalist administration has been pushing to criminalise "triple talaq", under which a man can divorce by uttering the word "talaq", meaning divorce in Arabic, three times in his wife's presence.
"A desperate, panicked, and openly theocratic evangelical movement is falsely demonizing secularism and those who believe in the separation of church and state as a threat to religion."
After the minister for faith's resignation, Stephen Evans says this unnecessary role enables the government to promote a positive view of religion and should be abandoned.
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