Dear PFAW Member, Ten years ago today, the Supreme Court handed down Citizens United v. FEC, a decision that opened the floodgates of secret money in our elections. For the last ten years, together, we have helped lead a conversation about how democracies shouldn’t be able to be bought. Our recent report, "Ten Years Since Citizens United: the Growth of a Movement,” shows that from 2010 to 2018, outside spending increased 435% in midterm elections. This increase in spending by special interests has changed the landscape of issues that have real impacts on people all across the country. Political spending by Big Pharma has led to efforts to try to defeat the Affordable Care Act and to increased drug prices. The NRA has spent millions to oppose common-sense gun reforms that would stymie the epidemic of gun violence. Oil and gas companies have used political contributions to deny the real and lasting impacts of climate change and to fight regulations of carbon emissions. All because of Citizens United. This past weekend we co-hosted "We The People 2020: Protecting our Democracy a Decade After Citizens United"-- a presidential forum where Pete Buttigieg, John Delaney, Amy Klobuchar, Deval Patrick, Elizabeth Warren, and Andrew Yang shared their plans to address how Citizens United damaged our democracy. Top Democratic contenders also shared how as president they would create a fair-minded judiciary and support a constitutional amendment that allows for reasonable rules for the raising and spending of money on elections. Check out and share the recording of the forum here.>> The forum was long but you can use the video navigation tools to scroll through and see what each candidate had to say. You can also read our live coverage of the event on Twitter (@PeopleFor) for highlights. Thank you for your ongoing support and commitment to the fight for free and fair elections. In community, Charlie, Digital Campaigns Associate, PFAW