Breaking news, team: 

The National Republican Senatorial Committee — the arm of the Republican party tasked with taking back the Senate in 2024 — just came out with a new set of attack ads against Democrats in vulnerable seats, including Jon’s in Montana. 

They’re telling straight-up lies about Jon, alleging he wants to cut Social Security and Medicare. (By the way, if anyone is trying to cut your rightfully earned benefits… it’s the GOP.) Jon is actually fighting to defend Social Security and Medicare!

The NRSC is making up lies because they know they can’t talk about their own candidates. 

Trump won the state by 16 points in 2020 — and the truth is this is one of Republicans’ best chances to pick up a seat and retake the Senate majority. We can’t let these baseless attacks go unanswered. 

Can you pitch in with an urgent contribution today so we can defend against immediate Republican attacks and protect our Senate majority?

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Thanks for always having Jon’s back.

— Team Tester