The Friday File
It is an honor to serve as your KSGOP Chairman. I take this responsibility with great seriousness and recognize the importance of the work before us as a party with many opinions about the best path forward for us and our party. As I started, Bold Conservative Republican Leadership Wins. We are now well down that path and things are already moving in very good direction. Have a look below at the work we’ve been up to this week. Onward to WINNING!
Mike Brown
KSGOP Chairman
As Kansas republicans, it is vital we work together to advance our shared values at all levels across the great state of Kansas and our nation. In order to accomplish this goal, the new leadership team of the Kansas Republican Party has been working diligently to move the business of the KSGOP forward. It is critical to create a dependable Republican party apparatus and to communicate efficiently and effectively.
In one of his first official actions, KSGOP Chairman Mike Brown consulted with the Kansas Republican Party’s Loyalty Committee regarding the still pending, individual, loyalty letters and associated hearings per a letter sent by KSGOP last year. With Chairman Brown’s leadership, the KSGOP Loyalty Committee unanimously agreed to fully rescind any action pending or taken against any republicans previously deemed to have violated the KSGOP loyalty clause of the Kansas Republican Party by-laws. “I am proud one of the first actions taken by the new KSGOP leadership team in conjunction with the Chairs of the Republican Party Congressional District, which constitutes the Loyalty Committee in total, was to end the divisive actions taken against some Kansas Republicans in our fair state. It is time to put the things that have divided our Party behind us and get to the business of electing republicans”, said Brown.
Additionally, earlier this week as the new leadership gained access to the office space in Topeka, it became clear the financial situation of the party was not portrayed accurately at last weekend’s State Convention. The team found the office barren, paperwork missing from completely empty file cabinets, and, it was discovered several bills have gone unpaid – some for months. Additionally, the party filings with the Governmental Ethics Commission were not in order, missing, and/or not filed accurately.
These issues have either been corrected by the new leadership team or are currently in the process of being corrected. The new team will provide a detailed update to the state committee regarding account balances and past due bills that required immediate payment as soon as possible. A special thank you to Cheryl Reynolds, KSGOP Vice Chair, for her service in helping to unravel the many messes our team inherited. Cheryl served as the Treasurer of KSGOP until recently but had critical information intentionally withheld from her. It is with her leadership and historical knowledge we have pieced together many mysteries. Much still remains to be done but we have made solid progress.
The new leadership of the Kansas Republican Party is looking forward to making sure Republicans across the state have access to the information and tools needed to win elections on every level – local, state, and federal.
As Chairman of the Kansas Republican Party, Mike Brown is pleased to announce the hiring of an Office Manager and an Executive Director of the Kansas Republican Party.
Office Manager – Marty Bohannan
Marty Bohannan is the Chair of the Franklin County Republican Party and Secretary of the Third District Republican Party. Over the years she has worked hard to elect strong Republican leadership and has been a vital part of the heart and soul of our party – the always-critical grassroots. “
“Marty is a proven leader in our state party and Republicans across our state can count on her professionally managing the party office. I am proud to have her on our team,” stated Chairman Brown.
Executive Director – Dakotah Parshall
Dakotah Parshall has worked for Republicans in state and national politics for over a decade and is bringing his experience to the KSGOP to help deliver Republican victories across Kansas. In 2020, he worked to flip New Mexico’s Second Congressional Seat from Democrat to Republican as Campaign Manager for Yvette Herrell. Dakotah has a background in data, strategic targeting, and grassroots training, and brings valuable experience having worked with organizations like CatholicVote and BienVenido. Dakotah has also participated in “campaign manager college” through the Republican National Committee.
“I’m excited to have Dakotah Parshall on board to help elect republicans across Kansas for the foreseeable future. We will leverage his knowledge, experience and energy immediately into winning local races later this year across Kansas and flipping our Kansas 3rd Congressional District seat back into the Republican column while defending our three current Republican Congressional seats . Please join me in welcoming Dakotah Parshall to his new role in helping to guide the new Bold Conservative Republican Kansas,” said Chairman Brown.
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