
It’s no surprise that TikTok, like many other social media platforms, is censoring voices that don’t fit a particular narrative. But this time TikTok went too far in their swift and groundless censorship. They’re coming after Independent Women’s Forum — but it could be you next. 

Earlier this week our TikTok account was removed and BANNED from the platform. For what reason? We have zero clue.

TikTok gave no notification. No email. No explanation. Nothing. 

For the last several weeks, our TikTok account has been booming and really blowing up. Our videos — many that have gone viral — expose facts about the experiences of women who have been forced to compete against men participating in women’s sports, the irreversible damage that women detransitioners endure, how “climate justice” disproportionately affects lower-income Americans, why competition and choice make education better for children, and how bills like the PRO Act will completely destroy the freedom and flexibility of 64+ million freelance workers. 

Because the Left can’t prove us wrong, they resort to shutting us down SILENCING Independent Women’s Forum.
In removing our account from the TikTok platform, Big Tech bias has once again reared its ugly head and showed its true colors. Not only was the decision by TikTok an attempt to cancel our message, but in their removal of our account, they removed the real voices of women.

To make matters worse, the stories and videos from real-life women who have faced the harms of gender ideology and discrimination in sports, are being flagged as ‘hateful’ or ‘dangerous’ on TikTok. These stories are the opposite of dangerous, and in fact, offer the true perspective of females who have faced real danger in the form of cultural trends that threaten women and girls. 

It’s time to push back against cancel culture and stop baseless banning and deplatforming. We must stand up for free speech and our right to speak the truth!
Help us take a stand against those being unfairly canceled on TikTok and elsewhere, share your Unfairly Canceled story with us, and be part of the movement to stop unfair censorship.
Enough is enough. We cannot let the voices of real women be silenced.

Yours in the fight, 
Brianna Howard
Social Media Manager