

This week, I joined the Energy and Commerce Committee for a field hearing at the southern border to talk about the ongoing fentanyl crisis in the United States. One Democrat witness blatantly questioned why we were holding the hearing at the border, and refused to acknowledge the reality of the fentanyl crisis.

I also spoke at another Energy and Commerce Committee hearing on expanding American energy, and highlighted what life would be like without fossil fuels.





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The Truth About the Fentanyl Crisis


The Energy and Commerce hearing on Wednesday was held at the southern border, and it got heated. Why? One witness (a failed leftist candidate for Texas Attorney General) had the audacity to claim that the border crisis and fentanyl crisis aren’t linked, insisted the crises are being used by Republicans for political talking points, and even questioned why our hearing was being held at the border at all. She’s either willfully ignorant or too blinded by her political leanings to recognize this simple truth: the fentanyl crisis is linked to the illegal immigration crisis, and BOTH are fueled by the cartels. This isn’t rocket science. This is common sense. It is about the safety and security of American citizens, and it should be bipartisan.


Why China Will Lose in the End


We should be optimistic about America’s future, but only if we don’t actively try and screw it up. We have massive advantages over China - ingenuity, freedom, resources, geography, demographics, alliances - but we must allow ourselves to take advantage of easy opportunities. Freedom of thought. Freedom of action. The inherent value of human life and family units. If America lets go of those things, as many on the left would have us do, China might just drag us down along with them. And they are going down. Their aging population is a ticking time bomb, their debt is massive, they cannot sustain themselves with their limited resources, and they’ve lost the trust of the world. My guest here is Paul Dabbar, a quantum researcher who served as President Trump’s Undersecretary for Science in the Department of Energy. This is part of a longer conversation about Chinese espionage at America’s research facilities, the spy balloon, and how quantum computing is changing everything from the internet to gene sequencing.


Dan Crenshaw Speaks at the E&C Field Hearing in Texas on Energy, Climate, and Grid Security


Imagine what a world without fossil fuels would look like. (Hint: it's not great.) But that's what radical climate activists pushing for a "fossil fuel-free world" want. Fossil fuels play an important part of our everyday lives, and we can't forget that.




Hold These Truths: Quantum Computers, Spy Balloons, and China’s Endgame | Paul Dabbar

Paul Dabbar is an entrepreneur and researcher in quantum computing who served as the Undersecretary for Science in the Department of Energy under President Trump. Dabbar joins me to talk about the latest breakthroughs in the quantum internet and the paradigm shift its creating in everything from encryption to genomics.



The Washington Times: Lawmakers introduce resolution to give formal apology for treatment of Vietnam vets

Republican lawmakers in the House and Senate say the U.S. owes veterans of the Vietnam War a long-overdue formal apology for the treatment they received during their time abroad and upon returning home. Rep. Dan Crenshaw of Texas and Sen. Dan Sullivan of Alaska introduced a joint resolution on Friday that would commend those who served in the conflict “for their unwavering and courageous sacrifice to our nation.”


The Epoch Times: Biden’s Declared War on Oil and Gas Hits Home Hard in West Texas’ Permian Basin

When President Joe Biden openly advocates for phasing-out oil and gas as primary energy generators in the United States within a decade, what appears as a news scroll blip for most Americans is a clap of thunder across the rolling West Texas sage of the Permian Basin. “The messages, virtue signaling, and rhetoric that have come from the federal level lately, tell us oil and gas is evil or not on the side of average the American, or on the side of caring for our environment,” Midland Mayor Lori Blong told Congressional lawmakers during a Feb. 16 field hearing in her city, which she called “the energy capital of Texas and, arguably, the energy capital of the United States.” Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-Texas) agreed. “If we took away petroleum products … look around the room, you’d pretty much watch everything disappear. It is places like [Midland] that help us to maintain the reality we now live in.”


NewsNation: Lawmaker seeks ‘authorized use of military force’ on cartels

Some lawmakers are working on legislation to help combat the growing fentanyl crisis in the U.S., saying President Joe Biden’s administration is not doing enough to fight the drug cartels. “This is different. Fentanyl is different because it’s actually being used to poison Americans. This is a poisoning problem more than it is a drug problem,” said Rep. Dan Crenshaw, R-Texas. Crenshaw joined “NewsNation Live,” to discuss the bipartisan legislation on which he is currently working. “I’ve been working with Democrats who are interested in national security, who care about this issue, on the authorized use of military force against the cartels, on another bill that declares war on them, in a sense,” said Crenshaw, describing the proposed bill. “It treats them like a terrorist organization legally, without calling them a terrorist organization.”


Fox News: Dan Crenshaw: Chinese are prone to mistakes, overreach and foolish decisions

Texas Republican Rep. Dan Crenshaw calls out President Biden's response to downed objects on 'The Story.'


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