This is what they do when they can’t engage your argument.
If you’re advocating for something, or even trying to blow the whistle on something, and you notice that people start to attack your character: it means you’re winning.
This happens to me all the time at work. I notice on the days when I’m particularly effective, all of a sudden the attacks about my intelligence, my work ethic, and my integrity all get rolled out — because they can’t engage my argument.
And so, instead of engaging the message, they engage the messenger.
What they’ll say is, “Oh, she’s dumb, she’s just a bartender. She’s just this. She’s just that,” in order to get the listener to conclude: “I should not trust what she is saying just because she’s the one saying it.”
That's how they get people to stop paying attention to the actual, factual, explosive exposés and things that are being revealed. Their goal is that if you can repeat defamatory statements about someone enough times, then you can just get people to believe it.
In solidarity,