Social Security and Medicare are earned benefits that allow Americans to age with dignity. Nearly nine out of ten seniors are collecting Social Security benefits each month, and more than 60 million Americans are enrolled in Medicare.

Some Republicans are proposing that we look to Social Security and Medicare to cut spending. Whether it's just some or the whole party, we should take this seriously.

Americans deserve to age with dignity and I'll always fight to protect Social Security and Medicare. Will you join me in the fight with a $7 donation?

The Inflation Reduction Act, which President Biden signed into law last year, helps cut costs for seniors by allowing Medicare to negotiate some prescription drug prices and capping the cost of insulin and other prescription drugs.

But there is more to do. We can raise the income limit for Social Security contributions, requiring our highest wage earners to contribute more. And we must continue to make cost-of-living adjustments to Social Security so recipients don't fall into poverty.

There is more we can do to bolster Social Security and Medicare and keep them off the chopping block. We're building a strong movement now. Will you join us today?

Thank you for standing with me,


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