By John Wojcik

If President Trump and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell prevail on rules they are introducing today the impeachment trial will be nothing more than a sham and a coverup. The trial is underway today with the controversial rules scheduled to be introduced around 1 p.m. ET.
In the last minute yesterday, McConnell sprung his disgraceful coverup scheme on the nation’s lawmakers and the public.
Among other things the proposal allows only two days for each side, does not guarantee witnesses will be called and does not even guarantee admission into the Senate of the evidence against the president collected by the House of Representatives.
For the president and his lawyers, the McConnell coverup does not even go far enough. They have made no secret of their desire to have the entire matter immediately dismissed by the Senate. The Administration lawyers are saying that even if all the charges against Trump are correct, he has not violated any law so the entire operation is illegitimate.
Abuse of power, they argue, is not illegal because there is no statute on the books against it. When the Constitution was written, of course, abuse of power was considered the worse crime a president could commit. There were no other laws of any kind on the books in those days...