The Hill: Biden administration jumps the gun on ‘navigable waters’ rule


Before the current Supreme Court term ends in June, the Justices will weigh in on whether the Environmental Protection Agency overstepped its authority by regulating soggy residential land as “navigable waters.” That’s the question at the heart of Sackett v. EPA, which PLF argued on the first day of the term.

But now the Biden administration is confusing the matter by issuing a new definition of navigable waters. Charles Yates and Will Yeatman question the administration’s ill-timed rulemaking, which further victimizes property owners by forcing them to conform to the government’s shifting standards.

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Reason Magazine: A white employee is suing the City of Seattle for alleged racial discrimination


Joshua Diemert, a former Seattle City employee whom PLF now represents, spoke to Reason about the city’s race-obsessed workplace culture, which includes mandatory Race and Social Justice Initiative trainings.

"On multiple occasions in the trainings, I was forced to do things like play privilege bingo or stand up in front of everyone and rank myself within a racist continuum," Joshua says.

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American Thinker: How the administrative state subverts the Constitution


Polls show that 51 percent of American young adults have a positive view of socialism. Asking how the country got to this point, American Thinker finds answers in PLF’s documentary Trust Us, which it calls “an excellent chronicle of the socialist seduction of America over 100 years.”

Trust Us traces the rise of the administrative state, beginning with early progressives who became part of Franklin Roosevelt’s “brain trust” and modeled America’s expanding bureaucracy after what they admired in the Soviet Union. The documentary is streaming on YouTube, Amazon Prime, and Tubi.

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