
On January 21, 2017, I joined hundreds of thousands of women at the first Women's March. We took a united stand to let the Trump administration know that we were not going to stand by while they attacked our environment, our health care, our reproductive rights, and more.

I didn't know it then, but that day was emboldening and helped me decide to run for office for the first time. I marched again in 2018 as a candidate for Congress and, thanks to your support, I marched in 2019 as your representative.

But three years later, women's rights are still under attack, on everything from paid family leave to protecting women from domestic violence to ensuring that women get equal pay for equal work.

Earlier this month, over 200 Republican lawmakers joined together to call on the Supreme Court to overturn Roe v. Wade. If they get their way, the health and well-being of women all across the country could be at risk. We can't let that happen.

On this anniversary of the Women's March, will you join me and add your name in the fight to protect reproductive health care?

Tomorrow will mark 47 years since Roe v. Wade became the law of the land. But with a conservative-leaning Supreme Court, women's reproductive health care rights are at serious risk.

Health care and women's rights have always been important to me. As the only female doctor in Congress, I know that when women have the power to make decisions about their own bodies and lives, we strengthen our families and communities. Right now, the Supreme Court is poised to decide on a case that could restrict women's access to contraception!

With the constant attacks on our reproductive health care, it's crucial we keep up our fight to protect women's rights. I promise to always prioritize women's health and well-being, and need to know you're with me in this important fight.

If you believe a woman's right to choose should be protected, add your name now.



Paid for by Dr. Kim Schrier for Congress

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