Introducing #consonantlive
I hope you recently received an email from Wayne Myslik at Consonant.

As you have attended one of our classes here at Consonant (Migrants Resource Centre) I know you understand the importance of what we do.

On Thursday 30th January, someone from Consonant will be telephoning people who come to classes or other activities.

We want to ask what you think of the classes and what you are doing now. We can also tell you about our new services.

We may also ask if you can help us to help other people like you.

I would love for you to take part but if you would prefer not to receive a telephone call please send me an email at [email protected].
Kind regards,


Matthew Horton
Head of Individual Giving
Consonant is a company registered in England and Wales limited by guarantee (no 1911662). Registered as a charity (no 291789). Exempted by the OISC (no N200100125). Registered office: Berol House, 25 Ashley Road, London, N17 9LJ Privacy Policy

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