Republicans want to purge over 200,000 Wisconsin voters in their most recent voter suppression effort
Now, we need your help to fight back.
Sign your name to demand protection for every citizen's right to
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In 2013, the Supreme Court gutted the Voting Rights Act, opening
the floodgates for voter suppression across the country,
including in our own backyard. Wisconsin Republicans have made
every effort to suppress our votes in the places they matter
The House of Representatives recently passed the Voting Rights
Advancement Act to protect voting rights for every citizen. But
now, this important legislation is threatened by the
GOP-controlled Senate.
We need 10,000 activists to sign their names by midnight
tomorrow to demand the Senate do the right thing and protect our
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The time is now to say enough is enough -- Voting rights are
civil rights.
Sign the petition now.
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WisDems.orgPaid for by the Democratic Party of Wisconsin, Ben Wikler, Chair
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