Good morning, I end the week reflecting on an uncomfortable truth: Liberty is fragile, and it can only grow in the soil of self-governance tended to daily by zealous patriots. But first, here is the Texas Minute for Friday, Feb. 17, 2023. – Michael Quinn Sullivan ![]() Abbott Announces 2023 Priorities ...
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![]() Friday Reflection: Liberty Is Fragileby Michael Quinn Sullivan Listen to the Reflections Podcast Liberty does not happen by accident. While we have an inalienable right to liberty, demonstrates securing it – and then holding on to it – are different matters entirely. It would be nice to think “liberty” is the norm and “tyranny” is the exception. It would be nice, but it would not be true. In the late 1940s, a businessman named Henning Prentis noticed a pattern in history. It is a pattern that leads from bondage to liberty and back to bondage. The so-called "Prentis Cycle" was developed in a series of speeches and essays. It goes like this:
We like freedom and abundance, but in our selfishness and complacency we reject faith. We convince ourselves we have nothing to fear from the tyrant to whom we shackle ourselves under the promise of his protection. Anyone courageous enough to speak out is mocked and attacked. Where are we today? Still in “abundance”? Shifted to “selfishness”? Moving past “fear”? If we are to reclaim and retain liberty, we must renew our faith and shore up our courage. We must shake our friends out of their complacency and apathy. Liberty can only grow in the soil of self-governance tended to daily by zealous patriots. It isn’t someone else’s job. It is my job, and your job. It is a job for which we must actively train up our children. The cause of liberty never ends. ![]() Quote-Unquote"Freedom is a fragile thing and is never more than one generation away from extinction. It is not ours by inheritance; it must be fought for and defended constantly by each generation, for it comes only once to a people. Those who have known freedom and then lost it have never known it again." – Ronald Reagan ![]() This information is automatically inserted based on the mailing address you provide to us. If you'd like to update your contact information, please visit our subscriber portal. U.S. Senator Commissioner of Agriculture Something not right? ![]() |