Friend --

Last fall I was asked by Jimmy Dore, "Why is LaRouche a Third Rail?"? I appreciated the question, and I think many of you probably want to know how LaRouche came to be the most controversial political figure in the United States ever.? It was because he had designed a new system to replace the rotten British Liberal free trade system, and his system not only would have worked, but he was recruiting numerous leaders from many nations to implement his program. Now, LaRouche's policies are being adopted by every nation that wishes to protect its people and prosper.? Tonight we'll review the history of that fight.

Also, many of you have responded to my invitation to join me on Sunday in Washington, DC at the Rage Against the War Machine rally at the Lincoln Memorial.? If you'd like to come to this world historic march on Washington, call 646-328-1932.

Friday, February 17, 8:00 pm: The 50 Year Fight for a New Paradigm: How LaRouche Became the Biggest Threat to the Sytem of Empire

Diane Sare

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