Perfect. Antifa is a terrorist organization. So is the Democrat party. And Antifa is their armed militia. Germany designated Antifa a terrorist group long ago.
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Breaking news stories the media complex won't cover. Share widely.

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Antifa Terrorists Shares a Fundraising Platform With the DNC
Perfect. Antifa is a terrorist organization. So is the Democrat party. And Antifa is their armed militia.

Germany designated Antifa a terrorist group long ago.

Congresswoman Lauren Boebert  (R CO-03) introduced a resolution to designate ...

THE GREAT SECESSION: Idaho House Passes “Greater Idaho” Bill After Oregon Counties Vote To SECEDE (Escape) From Oregon
Geller Report has been reporting on the secession efforts of besieged Oregon counties frantic to get out from under the despotic boot of Democrat rule.

The Idaho House of Representatives voted in favor of the “Greater Idaho” bill today. ...

Obama’s Director of National Intelligence James Clapper Can’t Stop Lying
Lying is/was the defacto policy of the Obama and Biden regimes.

James Clapper Can’t Stop Lying

By: David Harsanyi, The Federalist, February 14, 2023

He knew exactly what he was doing.

In an interview with The Washington Post’s ...

🚨WARNING🚨: Florida Issues Health Alert on mRNA COVID-19 Vaccine Safety
The enemy media is not reporting on this bombshell news. Instead, they are promoting the poison,  taking their marching orders from the fraudulent Biden regime. Blue states are forking on our children. Get your kids out of government schools. ...

Biden Regime Is Tracking the Unvaccinated
Communist government at work.

The Democrats are targeting critical thinkers, free thinkers and individuals who understand and cherish their individual rights enshrined in our beloved Constitution.

CDC Issuing Medical Codes for ...

Where’s Pete?: Crews On Scene of ANOTHER Train Derailment in Van Buren Township, One Car Was Carrying Hazardous Materials
While Biden increases our national debt by trillions on infrastructure in the cause of institutionalizing racism and ESG, our complex infrastructure systems are falling apart. MEDIA BLACKOUT: There Were OVER A THOUSAND Train Derailments in 2022 ...

Abominable Buttigieg Blames (Wait For It…) TRUMP For His Ohio Environmental Disaster
The train was not labeled as 'high hazardous' – a catastrophic failure of Pete's DoT.So they blame Trump.

This is the depraved state of the Biden regime. These evil morons continue to reveal their perfidy and treachery everyday. Their ...

Bigoted Biden Regime Calls Jewish prayer at Judaism’s Holiest Site in Jerusalem ‘Unacceptable’
Democrats continue to be increasingly anti-Jewish.  Biden wants to prohibit Jews from their holiest site so as not to offend the sensibilities of Muslims. Here again, Islamic violence and bloodshed is rewarded by Western leftists.

Jews don't ...

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