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And remember, the "R" in Republican stands for Reform!
Jan 12, 2020 09:48 pm | Joel Acevedo

They say hindsight is 20/20, if that is the case, then it is imperative that we don’t make the same mistakes twice. The Brooklyn Young Republican Club is starting the new decade off a little differently. We are doing something current republican groups are not doing.

They say hindsight is 20/20, if that is the case, then it is imperative that we don’t make the same mistakes twice. The Brooklyn Young Republican Club is starting the new decade off a little differently. We are doing something current republican groups are not doing.

We are going to listen.  

The BKYR is taking it back to basics and will reconnect our vision with local communities — by speaking their language (even literally). What is our vision for Brooklyn and beyond? To advance life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for all people. No matter a person’s religion, color, gender, sexual orientation, economic status, or citizenship status. We are going to reach out to communities, listen, and refocus our priorities on issues that the Mayor, the City Council, and Albany have consistently dropped the ball on. But to solve issues locally, we need to think globally. 

We need to think beyond our borders because as the melting pot of the world, its success and mission rests in the advancement of all people to have life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. In this aspect, thinking globally is the most efficient mechanism to guarantee our continued enjoyment of those rights here at home. Whether that is organizing for climate action, tackling student debt, or the fight to end “never-ending” wars, we will work to bring solutions to these issues.

We aim to cultivate an ethos that fosters true unity as Americans; standing up for all human beings struggling to make it, who yearn to start a family, or are struggling to raise one. Through community building, shared values, and a commitment in promoting the general welfare as the constitution requires, together we will move Brooklyn forward.

We will strive to advance equity, wherever it may lack, towards the many major issues facing the world, all while dedicated to cultivating and supporting strong, forward-thinking leaders to participate in the political process, and work to bring transparency, accountability, and reform to Brooklyn and beyond.

Through our bold new agenda initiative over the course of a few months, we will orient ourselves to what the people need, and develop a platform of solutions to those issues. We will fight for people, not abstract concepts. As we move forward into the new decade, remember one thing, the “R” in republican means reform.

The post Hindsight is 2020 appeared first on Brooklyn Young Republican Club.

Jan 12, 2020 09:45 pm | Joel Acevedo

The Brooklyn Young Republican Club is proud to present our new and improved website. The website’s design fully captures the essence of the Club and who we are. Not only do we have a sexy new look, we have a bunch of cool new features for our members. We have made becoming a member much simpler, while also providing  all members with a membership login/account. Members can update subscriptions, access special tickets or products we may be offering in the future, and downloadable content.

The public can now smoothly navigate upcoming events and register for those events. And if you don’t want to become a member but still want to support the movement, there is now a donation feature where you could choose and know exactly where your generous contribution will be going; FULL TRANSPARENCY.

We ain’t your granddaddy’s version of Republicans, so buckle up, it’s gonna be one hell of a ride.

-Joel Acevedo, BKYR President

The post The New appeared first on Brooklyn Young Republican Club.

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