As the Southeast Regional Director of the Working Families Party, I have made it my mission to invest in rising progressive stars in the South, where we recruit and provide candidates with the skills, resources, and know-how to transform their communities and win.
And I am especially excited to announce that one of those rising stars that we trained, Dr. Donya Sartor, is running for Mayor of Jonesboro, GA — and here at the WFP, we are proud to have her back.
As a former Special Education teacher for nearly three decades and a progressive voice on the Jonesboro City Council for the last three years, Donya has what it takes to improve the material conditions of her constituents. And if she’s elected, Donya would become the first Black woman to serve as mayor of Jonesboro, a majority-Black city.
The last time Jonesboro elected a mayor, only 366 votes were cast for either candidate. That means that every voter we turn out is crucially important — and that every dollar we raise to support Donya's campaign could make the difference. With just over a month until Election Day, will you split a donation between Donya’s campaign and the Working Families Party?
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Donya is a part of a new group of progressive leaders in Georgia who are done with politics-as-usual and are ushering in a new Georgia — a place where our leaders are deeply rooted in community and are ready to fight like hell for working people. She believes our government can do a better job caring for people and as mayor she will fight for affordable housing, expanded wifi, and ordinances to protect green spaces and create more sidewalks and bike lanes.
Here at the Working Families Party, we believe it is essential to invest in communities large and small, and to fight for working people everywhere. And as we saw in both the 2020 and 2022 elections, Georgia is fertile ground for progressive organizing.
We’re proud to support candidates like Donya who don’t just talk-the-talk but walk-the-walk when it comes to representing working people in their communities. And when we say walk-the-walk we mean that literally. Check out this picture of Donya joining me and WFP’s National Director Maurice Mitchell for a canvass last year to get out the vote in Georgia:

Candidates like Donya are exactly why I am proud to do the work that I do. And we’ll keep supporting candidates like Donya who are running for office in the South to meet the needs of their communities. Your support allows us to invest in candidates like Donya.
And in a race that could come down to just a few votes, whatever you’re able to pitch in could decide who leads Jonesboro for the next four years. Will you split a donation between Donya and the Working Families Party to support her historic campaign and help us train and elect more candidates like her?
In solidarity,
Britney Whaley
Southeast Regional Director
Working Families Party