From Entertainment Community Fund <[email protected]>
Subject The Resilient Job Seeker
Date February 16, 2023 9:30 PM
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** The Resilient Job Seeker

** Friday, February 24
2 pm ET/1 pm CT/11 am PT

The Resilient Job Seeker: Successfully Rebounding from Challenges and Setbacks
* Seeking strategies to help you bounce back from stumbling blocks in your job search?
* Looking for ways to prioritize self-care while recharging your creativity to find the right fit?

Please join us on Friday, February 24 to discover steps you can take to become more empowered and resilient as a creative job-seeker.

* Michele DeRosa, Co-Designer: Career Resilience Program; Career Development Professional
* Margie Gilland, Senior Staffing Consultant: Beacon Hill Staffing Group
* Susan Hatchett, Actress, Teaching Artist, ESL Teacher, Consultant

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to help those in need in performing arts and entertainment.

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