Minnesota Senator Steve Green banner image

Friends and Neighbors,

There has been a lot of chatter pertaining to the illegal and unnecessary restriction on our 2nd amendment rights here at the Capitol in Saint Paul. In case it needed to be said, I DO NOT SUPPORT ANY BILL LIMITING OUR ENUMERATED RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS:


-Stand Your Ground – You are allowed to defend yourself.

-OPPOSE banning firearms at the MN State Capitol Complex – It’s the people’s building, why are we considering violating law abiding citizen’s right to carry as prescribed in our State Law, in our State House?!

-Oppose "Red Flag Gun Confiscation Order" Legislation – Violate law abiding citizens rights without due -process, hard pass.

-Oppose Universal Background Checks (aka Universal Gun Registration) – “Shall Not Be Infringed.”


Here is what the DFL is really hoping to do, a full strip and seizure of your rights under the guise of government regulation. I’m intent on reminding anyone who is willfully ignoring the reality that the rights as written in the Bill of Right’s our reserved to us. How do they plan on regulating something that is already your right?


-Stripping and regulating your 2nd Amendment right, COMPLETELY : LINK



Steve Green

Minnesota Senate, District 2


Capitol Address

95 University Avenue W.
Minnesota Senate Bldg. Room 2319
St. Paul, MN 55155
