Ten years ago today, the landmark Citizens United v. FEC case changed the way our democracy functions.
The Supreme Court decided that it was legal for corporations and special interest groups to spend unlimited amounts of money to dramatically fund campaigns, and in turn, affect elections.
That fateful decision has had a corrosive effect on our country over the past decade, allowing corporations to have more say in our elections than voters.
This is wrong, team. And that’s why Lori has kept her promise since signing onto the No Corporate PAC money pledge.
Lori was endorsed by End Citizens United -- the leading advocacy group in overturning this case -- in 2018, and she was endorsed again this cycle because of what she’s done in this fight:
  • She’s refused to accept corporate PAC contributions
  • Introduced legislation to safeguard our elections from corruption
  • Helped pass H.R. 1 (the strongest campaign finance reform bill in decades)
  • Proudly joined the End Corruption Caucus
  • And continues fighting for other landmark campaign finance reform bills
Restoring our democracy is one of the reasons she ran for Congress in the first place -- because we can’t have a clean and open government if politicians are bought and paid for by special interests.
Thank you for your support,
Team Trahan