Friends -
Next Friday at midnight is an official FEC fundraising deadline. That’s three days before the Iowa caucus.
If we post an impressive number for that FEC deadline, the corporate media will seize on that news. They’ll say that we have the momentum.
And that means Bernie’s momentum will be the story Iowans hear about going into the caucus — which is exactly what we want to have happen to make sure we win.
So, we need to post a very big number for next Friday’s FEC fundraising deadline. The way we’ll get there is if enough of Bernie’s top supporters make a contribution, starting right now.
Here’s the truth: right now, we have the momentum. We are on the path to victory. If we push forward to hit a huge number next week, we could be unstoppable.
Thanks for all you do for our campaign.
In solidarity,
Faiz Shakir
Campaign Manager