![]() Patriot, The globalists are meeting in secret in yet another attempt to take a bite out of our sovereignty. After failing to completely shut down the world during the past three years because of Covid-19, they are trying to do a better job at planning this time so they can succeed. Let that sink in. You and I witnessed the most shocking suspension of civil liberties across the world in hysterical response to the outbreak of Covid, with disastrous results. Our communities are still reeling from the unprecedented closures . . . schools, businesses, churches, even courts. The damage was catastrophic, socially as well as economically. Socially, we’re witnessing skyrocketing crime, drug abuse, and suicide, while academic achievement plummets. Economically, the lockdowns were undoubtedly a major factor in today’s rampant inflation, supply chain disruptions, and shortages. Then came the vaccine mandates. Scores of Americans were fired from their jobs, members of our military unceremoniously kicked out of the armed services, and many more children told they weren’t welcome in school for refusing to take an ill-tested, experimental vaccine that many suspect is the cause of the newly emerging health crisis. And now, world leaders are conspiring to introduce a global “vaccine passport” where those who do not accept these still-experimental gene-altering drugs will not be able to travel . . . and who knows what else. DEMAND YOUR SENATORS OPPOSE THE GLOBALIST WHO PANDEMIC
TREATY! Patriot, I’ll tell you just how you and I can stop their plans, but first a little bit of background. Last November, leaders of the world’s largest economies at the G20 meeting drafted and signed a declaration in which the 20 countries, including our United States of America, agreed to adopt vaccine passports. And in a separate document, they vowed to “endeavour to move towards interoperability of systems including mechanisms that validate proof of vaccination.” This is the tyrannical vision being pushed by Klaus Schwab, head of the globalist organization, the World Economic Forum, and Bill Gates, who called for a “GERM” global epidemic police force. The standards the G20 want to use are the World Health Organization (WHO) standards – and the WHO plans to vote on this in May. And a couple of weeks ago, a committee of the WHO met in secret to discuss amendments to the International Health Regulations. Among the proposed amendments are: *** Change the
WHO from an advisory organization to a governing body with legally binding proclamations; *** Remove “respect for dignity, human rights and fundamental freedoms of people” from existing regulations; *** Give the WHO the authority to require medical examinations, proof of prophylaxis, proof of vaccine, and to implement contact tracing, quarantine and TREATMENT; *** Allow the disclosure of personal health data; and *** Institute a system of global health certificates in digital or paper format, including test certificates, vaccine certificates, prophylaxis certificates, recovery certificates, passenger locator forms, and a traveler’s health declaration. It’s the vaccine passport the globalists have been eyeing forever . . . and MORE! DEMAND YOUR SENATORS OPPOSE THE GLOBALIST WHO PANDEMIC
TREATY! Forcing vaccine passports on countries would fall under the authority of the WHO, a slap in the face to America’s sovereignty. And the statists in the U.S. Senate could empower them to implement this scheme – unless you take action to stop them now. Most people think the Covid tyranny is over. Stores and restaurants that survived the lockdowns and mandates have re-opened. Schools are back to in-person learning. Churches that were shut down are open to public worship. But with the snap of a finger, they could all be back . . . If you think the last three years of Covid tyranny under so many governors, mayors, and even unelected bureaucrats have been brutal, just imagine what could happen with international authoritarian elitists (who aren’t accountable to U.S. citizens in any way) calling the shots. The WHO is overseeing negotiations designed to convince its 194-member nations to adopt amendments to the International Health Regulations as well as to adopt a legally-binding “Pandemic Treaty.” It’s imperative you demand your senators oppose the globalist WHO Treaty! DEMAND YOUR SENATORS OPPOSE THE GLOBALIST WHO PANDEMIC
TREATY! This “international treaty on pandemic prevention and preparedness,” in the Council of the European Union’s words, is being fast tracked by WHO. If the WHO is given this authority, just think about the draconian measures they will take. Look at the Covid lockdowns in China (where Covid originated, apparently in a lab funded by the United States taxpayers). The Chinese Communist Party blockaded citizens in their homes to enforce their lockdown. People pled for food and medicine, often with no response from the government. If the WHO introduces and requires a vaccine passport or other tyrannical edicts, do you think what happened in China won’t happen here too? The statists want to control the global population – and to overcome those pesky constitutional rights of Americans, a treaty is the only way to do so. It only takes 2/3 of the U.S. Senate to sign on to a globalist treaty to give the WHO total control and create Bill Gates’ GERM army to shut down our civil liberties, perhaps forever. The only thing stopping it is the voice of We the People preventing 2/3 of the Senate from ratifying it. DEMAND YOUR SENATORS OPPOSE THE GLOBALIST WHO PANDEMIC
TREATY! You and I both know we can’t trust statist senators to do the right thing and preserve American sovereignty and personal liberty. We must turn up the heat on them to do the right thing before it’s even presented to them! And once again, time is not on our side. First, take just one moment to DEMAND your U.S. Senators outright reject the globalist WHO pandemic treaty by signing your “NO to the WHO TREATY” petitions. If at all possible, please don’t stop there. Please consider your most generous contribution as well. With your generosity, Campaign for Liberty will launch an all-out program:
This program won’t be cheap. But with your help, I believe it’s what it will take to get the job done. So, in addition to signing the petition to both of your U.S. Senators, will you please agree to a generous contribution of $200? I know that’s quite a bit to ask for. But time is getting short between now and May. The statists know if Joe Biden sends the WHO Treaty to the Senate and it is ratified, America will never be the same. Exposing the WHO is the first critical step toward unraveling this Big Government Leviathan that is on the cusp of intruding in almost every aspect of our lives. Of course, if $200 just isn’t possible right now, I understand. But will you please consider stretching and giving more than you have in the past – perhaps $100? Or if that isn’t possible, perhaps $50? Patriot, I’m really counting on your action. We need to turn the heat up on the Senate before the WHO Treaty is even presented to them for ratification. So will you please sign your petition and agree to your most generous contribution of $200, $100, or at least $50 TODAY? I know times are tight these days, so if $50 isn't in your budget now, can you chip in $20? Time is short, and you and I need to mobilize Americans to fight this now. For Liberty, ![]() Ron Paul Chairman P.S. Thanks to the sacrifice of our Founders, America was born a free country. But the globalists are closing in. The pandemic is the pretext, and we must DEMAND our U.S. Senators protect what remains of our liberty. Don’t sit by in silence. DEMAND YOUR SENATORS OPPOSE THE GLOBALIST WHO
PANDEMIC TREATY! Speak up and DEMAND your U.S. Senators REFUSE to support the globalist WHO Pandemic Treaty – and defend the Constitution that our Founders fought and died for. After you’ve signed your petitions, will you please make a generous contribution of $200, $100, or at least $50! Together, you and I can defeat Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, and their evil plan. If you’d prefer to donate via PayPal, please click here. Join Ron Paul’s Patriot Club with a monthly
contribution! Your support sustains our work and members are automatically entered to receive special giveaways autographed by Ron
Paul. The mission of
Campaign for Liberty is to promote and defend the great American principles of individual liberty, constitutional government, sound money, free
markets, and a constitutional foreign policy, by means of education, issue advocacy, and grassroots mobilization. |