Hi John,

The Countdown to the Belfast Rally for Life is well under way.
In just over 3 weeks, we will be the voice for our unborn babies as weĀ "marchĀ for their lives" in Belfast City Centre
We need thousands of people on the streets to show that the people ofĀ  Northern Ireland still want our unborn babies protectedĀ 
This will be the first major pro-life RallyĀ since 2019, when Westminster forced on Northern Ireland the most cruel, barbaric and extreme abortion law in Europe.
Tragically, since then more than 4136 innocent unborn babies have now been killed.
But 4136 deaths are not enough for the Westminster Government who recently introduced the ā€œfull commissioningā€ of abortion in Northern Ireland. This means we now have abortion-on-demand, right up to the very moment of birth.
While genuine health services are in crisis, and waiting lists grow longer in Northern Ireland due to lack of funding, the Government has prioritised abortion and guaranteed all money necessary will be made available to kill more unborn babies.
2023 will also see the introduction of the draconian ā€œAbortion Buffer Zonesā€ that will criminalise women and men who offer help and support to vulnerable women outside abortion centres. Even just praying silently outside the centres will be illegal. For the first time in Northern Ireland, praying will now be a criminal offence with fines up to Ā£2500.
At this critical time, thousands of voiceless and defenceless future unborn babies in Northern Ireland urgently need you to be their voice. If we donā€™t speak up for them - then who will? Please be a voice for the voiceless and ā€œmarch for their livesā€ at the Belfast Rally for Life on Saturday 11th March 2023 gathering in Custom House Square at 2pm.

ā€ƒ- Show the Stormont Assembly and the Westminster Government that abortion is NOT in our name !
ā€ƒ- Demand the Stormont Assembly repeal Westminsterā€™s barbaric abortion law, and the draconian ā€œAbortion Buffer Zonesā€ law
ā€ƒ- Show the world that we stand for life and against the killing of our unborn babies

You can help us promoteĀ the Rally by distributing leaflets in your church and prayer groups, and to your family and friends
You can also organise a bus from your area to the Rally.
We will provide you with all the resources you need. GiveĀ us a call on 02890278484 or email [email protected].Ā 

The Precious Life Communications Team
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