Danny Kruger MP and celebrity chef mother, Prue Leith documentary on Assisted Suicide

Dear SPUC supporter,

I wanted to make sure you didn’t miss a powerful documentary on assisted suicide which will air tonight at 9pm on Channel 4.

Great British Bake Off judge, Prue Leith, supports assisted dying. Her son Danny Kruger MP is against. On a trip to North America, where assisted dying is legal, can they resolve their differences?
Tonight (Thursday 16 February, 9pm), Channel 4 will air a powerful documentary following the celebrity chef and her son – who chairs the All Party Parliamentary Group for Dying Well – on a journey to consider the cases for and against legalising assisted suicide. 
Speaking to SPUC, Danny said: “During our trip my mother and I saw what can happen once we break long established universal protections, by legalising euthanasia or assisted suicide. In Canada we heard stories about how disabled veterans have been denied health and social care, but were offered a medically assisted death. While limits on who can have their life ended have all but been swept away.
"Chillingly, in one year during the pandemic, 2021, 1,700, mainly elderly people who were euthanised cited loneliness as a significant factor and next year, having any mental health condition such as depression, anxiety and stress will qualify for an assisted death.
Please tune in tonight to Channel 4 at 9pm on and afterwards on All 4.” 

Best regards,
Grace Browne
Communications Manager
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