Dear John,

When Asif arrived here at the American Fondouk, the mule was in terrible pain.

He was loved by his owner, but money was tight. So Asif wore a hand-me-down saddle, one designed for another animal. Unbeknownst to the owner, it scraped Asif’s skin, and over time, created a painful abscess.

The wound was so grave, it would take five months, and multiple procedures, to bring healing. Asif was near death. Of course we said, “Bring Asif to us immediately for treatment!” Only with the support of caring friends like you could this animal be saved.

Help Save Animals

Our team sprang into action to save Asif. There was bacterial infection in the wound. It was badly inflamed. We rushed to get anti-inflammatory and antibiotic medications into his system, and we began repeatedly flushing the abscess with a saline solution.

After two months, the wound still would not heal. We had to go back in to remove dead and dying tissue and bone. It took five long months for Asif to recover completely, and I’m happy to report that Asif has been reunited with his jubilant family.

You saved the animal — and also the family who depend on him for their livelihood!

Asif is just one of thousands of animals we treat every year. Please make a gift now, because saving a life like Asif’s means EVERYTHING to animal lovers like you and me!

With my heartfelt thanks,

Dr. Ahmed Khairoun Signature

Dr. Ahmed Khairoun


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