John, Bernie Sanders called Howard Schultz to testify before the HELP committee to answer for his illegal union busting. Instead of taking any accountability, Schultz is refusing to testify and counting on his power as a billionaire to avoid any consequences. The Starbucks CEO is now attacking Bernie with the full weight of his financial resources and we need to have his back. Pitch in here to stand with Our Revolution and help Bernie fight union-busting! —Begin Forwarded Message—
John, Starbucks founder and CEO Howard Schultz was personally named in complaints filed by the general counsel of the National Labor Relations Board for union busting. After years of posturing as an employee-friendly company, Schultz led Starbucks’ union busting efforts — closing stores, firing staff supportive of unionization, withholding pay raises, and even going as far as to hire notorious former CIA and Pinkerton operatives to disrupt organizing! Bernie Sanders called on Schultz to testify before the Health, Education Labor and Pensions Committee in the US Senate. And, now, despite the likelihood of a legally binding subpoena to answer questions about Starbucks’ questionable labor practices, Howard Schultz is refusing to testify. Empathy-free billionaires like Howard Schultz think they’re above the law, and they’ll use vast resources to try to smear Bernie and avoid accountability. Can we count on you to have Bernie’s back by pitching in to help us fight back?
When we organize, we win. Our Revolution 