URGENT ACTION NEEDED: Bayer-Monsanto’s DANGEROUS LIES are putting people,
pollinators, and the planet at risk!
Glyphosate, the active ingredient in Bayer-Monsanto’s Roundup, has been linked
to cancer, reproductive impacts, and other serious health issues in humans. This TOXIC pesticide is also responsible for a dramatic decline in milkweed -- a vital plant that monarch butterflies need for survival.
Monarchs are now ENDANGERED and could soon face EXTINCTION .
But Bayer-Monsanto’s dangerous lies have just been EXPOSED. A new report co-authored by Friends of the Earth
reveals how the company manipulated science and evaded regulations to continue selling Roundup for profit -- even though they KNOW it isn’t SAFE!
Friend, we can’t let Bayer-Monsanto avoid accountability
any longer. Take action now and DEMAND that they STOP selling Roundup
immediately! >>
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[[link removed]]Over the last two decades, more than 850 million milkweed plants have vanished
-- and this decline has been a key driver in the North American monarch
population PLUMMETING by 90%.
Monarch caterpillars depend on milkweed as their ONLY food source. And since these butterflies only lay their eggs on milkweed, they’re running out of places to reproduce!
Glyphosate is decimating milkweed plants, threatening monarchs, and putting
people at risk -- all while Bayer-Monsanto continues to deceive the public and
cover up the dangers of their flagship product.
Bayer-Monsanto’s corporate greed and drive for profit at any cost has come at
the expense of pollinators, the planet, and human health. Will you remain silent as Roundup continues to wreak havoc -- or will you step
up and fight back now?
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[[link removed]]Thanks for taking action to save monarch butterflies.
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