Our brief is on behalf of 67 Members of Congress against the FDA's unlawful approval of abortion drugs.
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** 67 Members of Congress Join FDA Challenge
Plus, a flurry of state testimony as we stand for life in every state.
“Americans United for Life filed a friend-of-the-court brief ([link removed]) on behalf of 67 Members of the United States Congress in Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine v. U.S. Food and Drug Administration in support of a preliminary injunction against the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) unlawful approval and deregulation of chemical abortion drugs. Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith (MS) and Representative August Pluger (TX–11) led the brief, and signatories included 13 Senators and 54 Members of the House of Representatives, representing 31 states.”
** Danielle G. Pimentel, J.D. ([link removed])
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** Wyoming Considers "Life is a Human Right Act" based on AUL Model Legislation ([link removed])
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** Opposing Vermont’s Push to Open Itself up for Suicide Tourism ([link removed])
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** Supporting Nebraska's Heartbeat Act ([link removed])
Passage of this bill will abolish elective induced abortions after an unborn child has a detectable heartbeat, which often occurs around six weeks’ gestation…
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** Encouraging South Carolina to Abolish Elective Abortions and Protect Life ([link removed])
** H.B. 3774 abolishes elective induced abortions, which, by definition, excludes from the abolition those procedures necessary to save the life of the mother: “[it] is not an abortion if done with the intent to save the life or preserve the health of the unborn human being, or to remove a dead unborn human being.”…
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